Beauty salon insurance

Running a salon or barbershop is difficult. Insuring it shouldn't be.
Call to get a quote in minutes.

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The highs (and potential lows) of owning a nail or hair salon or barbershop

You and your team keep the rest of us looking and feeling our best. It’s not just the top-notch services you provide; it’s the calm and inclusive atmosphere you have created and the personal relationships you’ve cultivated that keep your clients coming back.

You probably love that every day is different, and let’s face it – some days are better than others, and there are risks involved. Not every day is the same. But mishaps happen. You face risks and beauty salon insurance can help protect your business and your dreams in case of occasional mishaps.

Accidents that could threaten your investments

Without proper beauty salon insurance, claims can take a considerable toll on the financial stability of your business. Here are just a few examples of accidents that could threaten your investments:

  • Customer injury: a customer could sustain an injury from a wet floor near a hair washing basin.

  • Employee injury: an employee could suffer back injuries from years of bending over to wash customers’ hair.

  • Service-related harm: a long-standing client could sustain an unintended injury like a burn from a new hair wax service.

  • Customer injury.

  • Employee injury.

  • Service-related harm.

Barber nail hair beauty salon insurance

What kind of beauty salon insurance do you need?

You experience high levels of physical interaction, and your employees have various permits, licenses, and skill sets. Service variety, like using chemical relaxers and permanent hair color, can also create potential risks. 

General liability (GL) and workers’ compensation (WC) will give you strong baseline protection and peace of mind. However, you are exposed to other unique business risks that might require additional beauty salon insurance coverage beyond standard GL and WC policies if you employ any of the following:

Massage therapists.
Nail technicians.
Tanning technicians.

Salon and barbershop owners like you need a comprehensive salon insurance coverage plan that safeguards your business, equipment, and personnel wherever you go. Additional types of beauty salon insurance or barber insurance coverage could include:

How to get beauty salon insurance

Getting a nail, hair, or other beauty salon insurance policy that fits the needs of your shop should be as easy and comfortable as the services you provide. Just like getting a cut, color, or style, the painlessness of the process comes down to working with an experienced professional. 

While many potential accidents could threaten the stability of your business, working with a trusted advisor who understands the salon industry can help you protect your investments and allow you to focus on helping your customers look and feel their best.

Your business is worth protecting

To connect with an agent experienced in working with salon and barbershop owners, call the CIC.

Why choose the Commercial Insurance Center for beauty salon insurance?

By now you understand how important it is for your business to be properly insured. What’s next? Get matched with an expert who will take the time to understand the nuances of your business and industry to get you the right coverage at the right price.

Call the Commercial Insurance Center now at (380) 225-5242 to connect with an agent who has experience providing business insurance for beauty salons and barbershops like yours.

By now you understand how important it is for your business to be properly insured. What’s next? Get matched with an expert who will take the time to understand the nuances of your business and industry to get you the right coverage at the right price.

Call the Commercial Insurance Center now at (680) 225-5242 to connect with an agent who has experience providing business insurance for beauty salons and barbershops like yours.

CALL NOW (380) 225-5242CALL NOW (380) 225-5242